Initially established in 2012 as D. Fearless and Friends of Phantasmagorphic Film Survey, this group focused on exploring and pushing the boundaries of film, visual art, and certain contemporary laws that hinder human progress and the exploration of the sensory and existential aspects of life and death. (Source)
The "Dr. Fearless" character was originally intended to debut in the unreleased film "The Pandora Experiment" (2012). Although the character is named Dr. Max in the film, it is strongly suggested that he is also known as Dr. Fearless. (Source)
Dr. Max oversees a new patient in the film, “The Pandora Experiment” (Source)
I highly suggest visiting the D. Fearless website for the 2012 version of him.
... or the Twitter for iconic tweets such as these.
Dr. Fearless was reintroduced in 2019 to coincide with the announcement of the comic book "Count Crowley: Reluctant Midnight Monster Hunter." In an interview on, David explained that Dr. Fearless is his own horror host persona, which he has long dreamed of portraying. The idea emerged when David asked the marketing team at Dark Horse if he could create a teaser video in which Dr. Fearless introduces a comic book instead of a classic movie. They supported the idea, and the video was filmed at the Bob Baker Marionette Theater in Los Angeles, creating "monstrously magical day that [David] will never forget!"
Okay, you can't really call this an arc, but I just found out about how in a 2021 livestream, Dr. Fearless had a beard. Enjoy...?
You can watch them on Facebook if you so please!
It's worth noting that Dr. Fearless would have spent a significant amount of time pursuing education and training in various fields. The approximate duration of education for different professions is as follows: Surgery typically takes 13–16 years, dentistry takes 8–12 years, plastic surgery takes 14–16 years, veterinarian studies take 8–11 years, and psychology studies take 8–13 years. If Dr. Fearless had pursued all of these fields, it would have taken him a total of 68 years to complete their education and training.
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Photo by Armen Aghaeian (Source)
You can watch these in whatever you want, lore fluctuates throughout, but if you want to watch the evolution of this creature chronologically, be my guest.
NOTE: He has live performances at the Overlook Festivals but they are sparse and also recorded via phone.